McKinley Street Improvement Project
Project Description
Project proposal will include street, sidewalk, parking lane, ADA and storm water improvements on McKinley Avenue between Blanche Street and Eugene Street in the City of Carnation. CDBG funds will be dedicated primarily to curb, gutter, sidewalk, stormwater and ADA curb ramp improvements. The proposed improvements will provide a safe pedestrian facility within a predominantly residential neighborhood and link residents to essential services (municipal, dental, educational, library etc.) and recreational opportunities and facilities. Improvements will also include the replacement of non-compliant ADA curb ramp at the Northeast corner of the Eugene Street and McKinley Avenue intersection to allow safe accessibility for the elderly and handicap parking.
Project Update
08/14/2024 - We have roads! The Project Team will start working on back of sidewalk restoration this week and into next. This will allow the connection to driveways. We asked the team to please backfill any gravel to allow access to the driveways temporarily. Once this is complete, the team will install the last stormwater vault and finish that final patch of sidewalk on the east side of the street. We appreciate your patience and look forward to celebrating with the community soon
07/16/2024 - All water portion of this project has been completed. We are finally seeing sidewalks being prepped and poured this week and into next week! Once sidewalks are poured, the project site will be prepped for the street to be grinded and re-paved!
06/21/2024 - The project team finished the stormwater infiltration. The water shut off has been pushed to Monday the 24th for select residents. You will be notified if you are affected. Thank you and pardon our dust!
06/17/2024 - The Project Team is continuing to finish the last of the stormwater infiltration. There will be water shut offs for select residents this week. If your water will be affected, you would be notified. Sidewalk are planned for install in the coming week. Thank you and pardon our dust.
05/31/2024 - Next week the crew will be prepping the road for grinding, finishing the last bit of stormwater infiltration, install new water meter services, and finish grading for the sidewalks! There may be water shut offs for select residents. You will receive door hangers if you will be affected. Thank you and pardon our dust!
05/24/2024 - The crew will be off site on Monday for the observance of the Holiday. They will start back up on Tuesday the 28th. The plan is to begin digging for water services and start the upgrades for any waterlines. You will be given ample notice for any shut offs needed to complete this part of the project. Thank you and pardon our dust
05-13-2024 - Now that the most middle driveway of the McKinley apartments is complete, the team will be working in front of the most southern driveway installing the rest of the stormwater infiltration unit. The driveway will be closed through the week, opening May 17th.
5/3/2024 - The project is moving along nicely. The Project Team has been clearing the right of way and installing all the pipe for the stormwater. They are currently working in front of the McKinley Apartments installing a stormwater infiltration unit. Next week (May 6th) they will be moving to the most southern driveway of the McKinley apartments to install the rest of the stormwater infiltration unit.